My labour of love self-initiated projects made over the years, all starring miniature figurines. Well why not? Viewing humanity in miniature proportions helps shift perspectives and makes the ordinary extraordinary.
Portraits of illuminating people
Since 2020 (ongoing)
Flower Boxes
Uniquely painted flower box portraits
Since 2013 (ongoing)
In the Now
Art relating to political issues
Since 2016 (ongoing)
Cinematic dramas in sparkling dioramas
Since 2019 (ongoing)Here, it’s beautiful
California Bay Area Project 2019:
Unique perspectives of my adopted homeThe Swerling Circus of Small
Anthropologie Christmas Exhibition 2018:
Glittering circus spectaclesThe Traveling Bookbox Show
Since 2016 (ongoing):
Capturing the essence of books in boxesOne Small Thing
Since 2015 (ongoing):
Portraits of people making a difference