
Memory boxes of precious times

This artwork is customised to depict your family spending time together. There are dozens of other examples of family portraits dotted around the pages showing custom commissions but here are a few that stood out.

The Wisemans | Building a den in bluebell woods

The Winstons | Hampstead Heath at the Tumulus

A favourite family foray during Covid lockdown in London, past the tumulus, the suspected burial ground of Boudica, ancient British warrior queen who in 60ce led a revolt against Roman rule.

Grandpa and Gabriel | "Enough blue sky to make an elephant a pair of trousers"

One of my favourite commission ever - read the brief!

“My late father had an expression (ever the optimist) “Enough blue sky to make an elephant a pair of trousers”. I think this is a bastardised version of a sailor’s weather observation. My father was a gorgeous man with a fondness for beige trousers, brown lace-ups and a checked shirt and a very deep love for his grandson.

Is this something you could work with?”

The Wagenbergs | With grandparents in the mountains of Columbia

My dear friend Monika and her siblings commissioned a Glass Cathedral of their parents with the grandchildren, at home in the place of many happy memories - Arusha, Colombia.

I know Monika’s kids well - Lukas is my godson - and believe these figures capture their brilliant energy quite uncannily!!

The Stricklands | A family of readers

Katja, Amber and Bhodi | Berkeley, California

From Katja: "I'm looking to commission a piece of art to mark the adoption of my daughter and becoming a family. Somehow the way you have managed to capture the scale of life in these little boxes ---vast and tiny --- feels right for our story. I think of our story as the most improbable of miracles that the universe brought her into my life.”

The theme I come back to (our little mantra) is "Gifts from the Universe" -- I say this all the time about Amber. She really is a gift from the universe in how she landed in my life and has inspired so many other unexpected gifts, in terms of deeper connections with friends, new adventures and perspectives. All kids are miraculous in their own way but she really is a special and luminous little person and reminds me every day about how unexpected life and the universe is…"

Stephanie, Soheil and family | Point Lonsdale, Australia

The Neville-Jones' | Corfe Castle, Dorset

The Kolevs | Drakensburg Mountains, South Africa

Calypso, Clare and family | In an English country garden

The Ellisons | Hampstead Heath, going on a Bear Hunt

The Balkans | Brilliant snow tradition

Active families!

The Rees's | Shenanigans in Spain

The Jaffes | Flying around the world