
About Glass Cathedrals

Glass Cathedrals remind us that we are all the heroes of our own stories, and that finding inspiration in the small stuff is a superpower we can turn on in the blink of an eye.

They have been a unique platform for my flow of ideas. Some are based on thoughts I’ve been having since I was a child – thoughts that are no less mysterious and intriguing to me today. “Why is glitter more precious to me than gold? Why do I plunge into the cold water when my body is yelling ‘NO!’? How do I savour the preciousness of life while raging against its impermanence?”

Many people have these moments of inspiration about what it is to be a funny little human traveling around a big planet. What to do with these thoughts? I started putting mine in boxes! The boxes reflect back much that is good, fascinating and important about our own world – a powerful magic.

Glass Cathedrals have been shown all over the world – from international art fairs, to more unconventional spots like the Exploratorium Museum (San Francisco) and annually during the Telluride Film Festival (Colorado). Glass Cathedrals are also part of Small is Beautiful (Paris, London, NYC, Milan) – the world’s biggest exhibition of miniature art.

I also make art inspired by other people’s ideas of what is most precious. Over the years I have made thousands of
artworks that capture people, events, places, memories, dreams – distilling moments to fit in a box. So much of my
motivation and joy in creation, is to manifest something of significance to another person.

I feel your work is like ripping up the bathroom floor of an old home and finding an entire
other floor that belonged to the owners from half a century ago.  It is magical and new and
familiar all at the same time
.” Rani W, Chicago